Published on November 17, 2004 By sunshinedaydream In Blogging
We are all here for a reson. For some people its more clear than others. Take a bird for instance, the bird eats a seed shits it out and the seed grows a tree. That tree becomes life.
So the bird has a purpose, the shit has a purpose and the seed has a purpose.
What is mine?

on Nov 17, 2004
Good to see you here. I like this. That whole pondering things that you are so good at. The reason you are here is to be the bird, the shit, the seed and the tree. complete. The circle of life you know. Well, keep them coming. Miss you man. Catch you on the flipside.
on Nov 17, 2004
Welcome to JU. I'll be reading...

on Nov 17, 2004
oops, someone didn't sighn out of my computer when they were logged on...dirty!

So, I'll be reading...
on Nov 29, 2004
so are you going to credit that from cold mountain or just plagerize the whole thing for us?

Love Suspeckted

PS - nice to meet you